How Identity Governance Software Can Transform Your Business

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) is a comprehensive approach to managing digital identities and access rights across an organization. It involves establishing and enforcing policies, processes, and technologies to ensure that the right people have the right access to the right resources at the right time.
Identity & Access Management
August 15, 2024
5 min read

As the world shifts to the digital era, so has the focus on the handling and securing of users’ identities. This effort is anchored on Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) that helps organizations to overcome the challenges of identity management, access control, and security compliance. Since organizations are increasingly going digital, it becomes extremely critical to have a strong identity governance in place.

Understanding Identity Governance and Administration (IGA)

IGA is a term that encompasses two other terms, namely Identity Governance and Identity Administration. Identity Governance and Identity Administration are twofold where Identity Governance concentrates on visibility, Segregation of Duties, Role Management, Attestation, and Reporting Identity Administration on the other hand is more about Account Management, Credential Management, User Provisioning, and Entitlement Management. Altogether, these functions afford organizations substantial mechanisms of controlling access to what within the enterprise to whom.

The Growing Need for IGA

With the proliferation of digital systems, cloud services, and remote work, managing user identities and access privileges has become increasingly complex. Lack of good governance brings with it a high probability of unauthorized access to critical systems and data with possible breaches and non- compliance to set regulations. IGA solves these challenges by offering extended and single views of access control, so that users have only the necessary access needed to do their work, but it is secure.

Key Features of IGA Solutions

1. Integration Connectors:  

An IGA system interfaces with enterprise directories and systems to obtain data on the users and their privileges. These connectors allow for the identity of users to be maintained across various systems to control access and deny when necessary.

2. Automated Access Management:

Automating workflows for access requests, provisioning, and de-provisioning streamlines the process of managing user identities. This automation relieves a good amount of administrative work and also tackles the problem of sound management of access rights based on the life cycle of users.

3. Segregation of Duties (SoD):

To ensure compliance with the letter and spirit of the law and to avoid situations where fraud may arise and, therefore, compromise the SoD rules that govern IGAs, SoD rules are applied to IGA solutions. These rules minimize the chances of the same user having dual access that may lead them to engage in unethical or unauthorized activities for instance authorizing and signing checks.

4. Role-based Access Control (RBAC):

This way organizations can control who gets to use which data and systems by granting access based on roles. Role Based Access Control also guarantees that the users have access to only information that is pertinent to their duties hence minimizing the cases of leakages and other related incidents.

5. Analytics and Reporting: 

IGA solutions also have better analytics and reporting capabilities that can help in pursuing user activities and access patterns. This visibility makes it easy for the organizations to realize and counter security threats in real time while at the same time producing compliance reports for legal use.

How IGA Benefits for Businesses? 

1. Enhanced Security and Compliance: By Centralizing and automating identity and access management, IGA solutions provide a consistent approach to security policy enforcement across an organization. It also minimizes the likelihood of unauthorized access, including international security threats, while adhering to regulatory frameworks like GDPR, HIPAA, and SOX.

2. Improved Operational Efficiency: IGA helps in simplifying the process of handling user identities, the time and efforts taken in making the employees on the network, giving them privileges, revoking their privileges, and being able to do reviews on access rights. This efficiency translates into cost savings and allows IT teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.

3. Scalability and Flexibility: As organizations grow, their identity and access management becomes more demanding. IGA solutions have been developed to cater for future growth of the organization in terms of user volumes as well as the number of applications and systems. In the same way, IGA allows for identity management of both on-premises and cloud, making it possible to change with the current business trends.

4. Reduced Risk of Insider Threats: Insider threats, whether intentional or accidental, pose a significant risk to organizations. IGA minimizes this risk by requiring users to have sufficient clearance and by also granting visibility into such user actions. This lack is helpful in identifying and avoiding activities that can be detrimental in the event they are executed and completed.

5. Support for Digital Transformation: In the modern business world, companies cannot afford not to adapt to the modern technologies. IGA plays this role by offering the solutions that enable the creation, control and protection of digital identities in the enterprise. In any process that introduces new cloud services, work from home, or incorporation of new technologies, IGA guarantees that identity and access management will not be compromised.

Regulatory Compliance of IGA

It is a matter of concern for all businesses irrespective of the sector they belong to, to adhere to the industry regulations. The IGA solutions are critical for organizations as they assist in addressing all these regulations by offering the appropriate control, reporting, and audit functions. 

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): IGA assists an organization in the regulation of who can access the personal data and further offers ways of demonstrating compliance.
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act): In the healthcare sector, specifically, IGA helps to guarantee that only the individuals who are supposed to have access to patient’s information will receive it and, thus, will minimize the chances of HIPAA violation.
  • SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act): IGA helps financial institutions to address the SOX requirement by mandating the separation of duties and offering comprehensive reports of the audit trails to the access of financial systems and information.

IGA vs. IAM: What's the Difference?

As we all know, IGA and IAM are very similar yet different approaches to an organization’s identity security framework. Identity and Access Management concentrates on the catering for the accounts of the users and the ability to regulate the access of the users to the systems and information. It includes functions such as SSO (Single Sign On), MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), and Password Management.

IAM further extends to IGA which has the additional features of access governance including access certification, role management and reporting. IGA offers the level of supervision and strictures needed for IAM policies to be uniform across the enterprise and rights granted are commensurate with the position of the individual.

IGA vs. PAM: What's the Difference?

Although Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) and Privileged Access Management (PAM) are parts of identity protection in an organization, they are not the same.

As especially designed for granting, managing and limiting the access to the privileged identity, which has the right of access to some significant systems and credentials, PAM is specifically intended to perform and automate the above steps. Preventing its misuse, it has some of the following characteristics for instance session monitoring, credential storage, and access privileges.

Whereas IGA on the other hand does provide a solution and support to identities, roles and access policies in the organization at large. It is the more interested in the governance activities such as the access review, role management and compliance. While PAM is all about the privileged accounts, IGA manages all the identities and the access rights in an organization.

The Future of IGA

As cyber threats continue to evolve and regulatory requirements become more stringent, the role of IGA in business transformation will only grow. Organizations will increasingly rely on IGA solutions to manage the complexities of digital identity management, ensuring that their systems and data remain secure while enabling them to adapt to changing business environments.


Identity Governance and Administration is more than just a security tool—it's a critical enabler of business transformation. By providing the visibility, control, and automation needed to manage user identities and access, IGA helps organizations reduce risk, improve compliance, and support their digital transformation efforts. In today's complex and rapidly changing IT landscape, IGA is not just an option—it's a necessity.

Step into the future of digital identity and access management.

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Content Architect

Deepika is a curious explorer in the ever-evolving world of digital content. As a Content Architecture Research Associate at Infisign, she bridges the gap between research and strategy, crafting user-centric journeys through the power of information architecture.

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