How Passwordless Authentication Enhances Security in a Remote Work Environment

Looking to stay secure while keeping things simple and agile? Well, it’s a good thing going passwordless has never been easier.
Passwordless Authentication
September 7, 2024
2 min read

Passwordless authentication has been where most industries are moving lately, especially in organizations looking to scale their operations. Considering the number of organizations working remotely these days - security and compliance must be ensured in new ways while still staying accessible to remote workers.

How Does Passwordless Authentication Work?

Passwordless authentication usually works using some form of biometric or coded security key. For biometrics, this can be your fingerprint, or even face. However, there are also special security keys and Identity and Accessibility Management (IAM) software that enable this.

This type of authentication allows individuals and companies to access multiple platforms and tools using biometrics or even an SSO (single-sign-on) framework.

With passwordless authentication, SSOs enable a wide range of versatility and customization for customers, employees, and businesses. Concerning employees working from home, it can even allow companies the reassurance that both customer and employee information is protected. This is done by encryption and by ensuring it's only accessible to select personnel through the SSO framework.

How Does Passwordless Authentication Enhance Security in WFH Settings?

Avoiding Cybersecurity Risks with Passwordless Authentication

Whether in the office or at your WFH, setting up cybersecurity is a fundamental aspect of compliance with both security and confidentiality standards.

However, with an SSO (Single-Sign-On) in place through the use of biometrics or security tokens, there is no requirement for a password. This makes cyber security risks by cracking passwords or guessing a lot less likely. 

Data Privacy Concerns

When working from home, keeping your data safe is important. Passwordless logins through an SSO are straightforward and fast - It doesn't use passwords that can be stolen. Instead, it uses things like your fingerprint, face biometric, or a special key.

For people working from home, this means less worry about their personal and work data. You also have Identity management applications that can restrict apps for specific users making sure that not all confidential data is accessible by everyone. This can be essential in a WFH setting where private data is easily accessible by anyone in the house.

Built-In Multifactor Authentication in a Remote Setting

Think about logging into your work account from home without typing any passwords. Well, that's what passwordless login with built-in multifactor authentication (MFA) does.

Most of the time, this uses your phone and maybe even your fingerprint to make sure it's you. With SSOs, it means that users need to verify it’s them using a code, biometrics, an app, or a physical device only in the initial login.

For people working from home, this means better safety without the hassle of many passwords. In many ways, it’s like having a bouncer or security guard making sure only you can get in, no matter where you're working.

Legal and Compliance Issues

Following rules about data safety can be tricky when people work from home. This is why a passwordless login and authentication can be invaluable. Typically, most tough data protection laws require limiting private information stored. 

With legal compliance and regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS where customers have the right for the details to be forgotten, logs remain tamperproof, and the need for medical information is only seen by those authorized.

For companies with people working from home, it means easier safety checks and less chance of getting in trouble for data leaks. This shows employees and customers the company values security but not the cost of personal details being leaked or uploaded on a third-party site. In the long run, this saves companies from big fines and bad PR.

Mitigates Brute Force Attacks

Imagine someone or an organization obsessed with trying to guess your password relentlessly. Now, imagine how pointless this is with no password to guess! Sounds ridiculous right? Well, that's how passwordless login stops these attacks - it removes this problem altogether.

For people working from home, this means their accounts are safer, even on risky networks. Meaning employees even in remote settings can work from anywhere without worrying about password-guessing attacks from hackers.

Limited Access to Resources

When working from home, it's important to control who can see what. Passwordless login is great for this. It lets companies easily set rules about who can access what, and from where. 

Centralized access control, Role Based Access Control (RBAC), and conditional access used in SSOs, help mitigate this risk and at the same time limit the information available.

For people working from home, this means they can safely use the tools and info they need for their job. The IT team can relax knowing important stuff is protected. It's good for everyone because it keeps things safe while letting people do their work.

Automatically Limits Access to Compromised Devices

When working from home, keeping your devices safe is important. Passwordless login helps by always checking if your device is safe to use for work stuff. If something's wrong with your device, it can't access work info anymore.

For people working from home, this means they don't have to worry if their device is lost or stolen. It's like having a system in place that locks the door right away if something seems wrong. This keeps company info safe even if something unfortunate happens to your device.

Is Passwordless Authentication Risky in Remote Settings?

Some people worry that passwordless login might be risky when working from home. But it's actually a lot safer than using passwords! Instead of a password that can be guessed, it uses things like your special key, fingerprint, or face that are harder to fake. 

When you work from home, this means your work stuff is a lot safer from hackers. The main risk with this is if you lose your phone or security key, but you can quickly tell your company to turn off access. Overall, passwordless login helps keep your work safe, no matter where you are. For clients, implementing an SSO with Open ID Connect or SML2 protocol allows quick yet secure authentication. 

Luckily at Infisign, we create SSO, tools and features, that has allowed for the usage federated identity and can also be run on a zero-trust framework which you can opt for based on your business needs. Want to know more? Why not check out our free trial.

FAQs for Passwordless Authentication in Remote Work Settings

Which types or types of devices can be used for passwordless authentication?

Lots of devices can be used for passwordless login! The most common ones are smartphones and laptops. You can use your phone's fingerprint reader or face scanner to log in. Many new laptops have this built-in too. There are also special security keys that plug into your computer. On the other hand, some smartwatches can unlock your accounts when they're near your computer. 

What is an SSO?

A Single Sign-On Framework is a scheme that allows users and companies to access information, websites, and tools using biometrics or security tokens. SSO can be used for organizations, in services applications provided, or even for your customers to curate an experience or share information only they have access to.

Why is passwordless authentication good?

Passwordless login is great for many reasons! First, it's easier to use. No more forgetting passwords or typing them wrong. But it’s also safer since hackers can't guess or steal a password if there isn't one. What’s more passwordless login saves time for users as well.

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Judah Joel Waragia
Content Architect

Judah Joel Waragia specialize in crafting engaging and informative content on cybersecurity and identity management. With a passion for simplifying complex technical topics, Judah excels at creating content that resonates with both technical and non-technical audiences. His ability to distill complex ideas into clear and concise language makes him a valuable asset to the Infisign team.

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