What is Single Sign-On (SSO) and How Does It Work?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials.
Passwordless Authentication
August 8, 2024
2 min read

What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Single Sign-On (SSO) can be defined as the process of ensuring that users are only required to sign in once when they are using several applications and systems. Mainly, it solves the problem of having to register and remember multiple usernames and passwords which greatly enhances the usability and security of the application.

Core Components of SSO

Single Sign-On (SSO) relies on several core components that work together to provide a seamless authentication experience. Here are the essential elements of SSO:

1. Identity Provider (IdP): 

The IdP is an authoritative entity for a user’s identity which helps in their authentication. Thus, it confirms the identity of the user and provides authentication tokens which are recognized by service providers. Some of the examples of Identity Providers are:  Self-sovereign Identity (SSI) is provided by Infisign.

2. Service Providers (SP):

Services are the application or system that the user wishes to execute. They depend on the IdP to authenticate clients and to verify the authenticity of the authentication tokens. Some examples are web apps, business software, and cloud solutions.

3. Authentication Token:

An authentication token is an encrypted secure token that the IdP provides to a user after a successful authentication. It holds the data of identity details, permission level, and other specifics of the user. The token is sometimes employed by service providers to allow clients to access some resources without the need for other logins.

How SSO Works: A Step-by-Step 

SSO operates on a trust relationship between an Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Providers (SPs). This relationship is created during the setup of the two devices utilizing certificates that are provided by the network. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the SSO process:

  • User Attempts to Access a Service Provider:

When a user requests a Service Provider (SP) for user authentication. If the user doesn't have an active session or valid credentials, the SP redirects them to an Identity Provider (IdP), ensuring a secure login.

  • Redirect to Identity Provider:

If the user is not authenticated, then the user is redirected to the Identity Provider using the application. This redirection is usually subtle and happens unconsciously, in the periphery of the user’s awareness.

  • User Authentication:

The Identity Provider (IdP) login process includes user identification, secure transfer of the credential through HTTPS, user identification using MFA, then the creation of session and ensuring that the user does not access the account in case of wrong credentials.

  • Token Issuance:

Upon successful authentication, the Identity Provider (IdP) generates and issues an authentication token after user authentication, which is digitally signed for authenticity. This token is then redirected to the Service Provider (SP) for seamless application access.

  • Token Exchange:

The token is returned back to the Service Provider. This process involves some validation that the token is still recognized and has not been forged or has not expired. Upon validation, the SP allows the user to access the application and using the credential information given to him, create a secure session.

  • Application Validates the Token:

The application receives the authentication token and validates it. This may include, examining the signature of the token with other public keys of the IdP, and others like the time of expiration and the identity of the user.

  • Access Granted:

After a user's authentication token is validated by the Service Provider, they gain access to the requested application or resource.  The SP creates a secure session so that users can move smoothly from one service to another service that is using the same Identity Provider, so there is an added bonus of the get factor as well as the security factor.

  • Single Sign-On:

The next time the user attempts to use another application that uses the same IdP, the user is not presented with the login screen. The current authentication token is utilized to give access automatically, thus, making the process smooth for the user.

SSO Protocols: Ensuring Secure and Efficient Authentication

Single Sign-On (SSO) protocols in facilitating secure and efficient authentication processes across multiple applications and services. These protocols define the rules and structures for how authentication requests and assertions are exchanged between the Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Providers (SPs).

Here are some of the most widely used SSO protocols:

1. SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language):

SAML is the XML-based protocol focused on the exchange of authentication and authorization data mainly by IdPs and SPs. It enables users to register and sign in with the IdP only then they can access different SPs without signing in again. SAML is a secure way of implementing SSO in the enterprise and easy cross-domain authentication making it ideal for organizations with many applications.

Key Features:

  • Supports federated identity management.
  • Provides a comprehensive framework for security assertions.
  • Enables single sign-on across different security domains.

2. OAuth:

OAuth 2.0 is currently the most used authorization framework where third party applications can access some of the user’s resources on his/her behalf without revealing the user credentials. While it is not an SSO protocol itself, OAuth can be employed as part of an SSO solution to issue access tokens for application resource access intending to let users log in once but engage with various applications.

Key Features:

  • Delegates access safely without revealing user credentials.
  • Supports token expiration and refresh mechanisms.
  • Facilitates integration with various services and APIs.

3. OpenID Connect (OIDC):

OpenID Connect is an authentication layer built on top of OAuth 2.0. It provides a standardized framework for verifying user identities and obtaining basic profile information. OIDC tokens include an ID token, which contains user information, and access tokens, which allow access to specific resources.

Key Features:

  • Utilizes ID tokens to convey user identity information.
  • Supports user information retrieval through standardized endpoints.
  • Facilitates seamless authentication across multiple applications.

4. WS-Federation

 WS-Federation is a protocol created specifically for the identity federation within the enterprise space. It enables identity information and resources’ sharing securely, thus provides SSO for different platforms and applications, especially those built on the basis of SOAP-based web services..

Key Features:

  • Enables SSO across organizational boundaries.
  • Supports a variety of communication methods, including SOAP and REST.
  • Integrates with existing security frameworks such as WS-Security.

How is Single Sign-On (SSO) Implemented?                        

This process involves a series of strategic steps to ensure a smooth and secure integration. Even down to the identification of various organizational needs, the choice of IdP, and establishing trust, every stage is significant. However, if SSO is to be successfully deployed, then it is important to include applications, perform proper authentication, and testing.

  1. Realizing the specifics of needs and project’s range of the SSO implementation.
  2. Selecting a strong and interoperable IdP that will meet the company’s security and scalability criteria.
  3. Forcing the creation of secure trust relationships between the IdP and Service Providers (SPs).
  4. Making sure that all applications are connected to the IdP in the correct manner utilizing SAML, OAuth or OpenID Connect.
  5. Adopting effective authentication mechanisms such as MFA that would help in improving the security of the systems.
  6. Performing various tests to make sure that the solution works well and integrates well with the organizational systems before implementing SSO across the organization.

What is App-to-App SSO?

App to App, Single Sign-On (SSO) can be defined as a subset of SSO that offers ways of emulating single sign-on between closely integrated applications. This is the functionality that enables a user that was authenticated in one particular application to use another related application without having to log in again.

App-to-App SSO follows the use of secure token exchanges and trust relationships hence improving security while at the same time improving the ease of use and efficiency of the application. A specific use of this approach is in scenarios where there are many applications that are interrelated and require secure and efficient communication between them.


Thus, making users authenticate once and get access to the different services, SSO is effective both in terms of performance boost and security since the probability of password-related attacks is reduced. On the increase of cloud solution adoption across organizations, SSO implementation can greatly enhance the user satisfaction together with strengthening security provisions as well as reducing the burdensome amount of management overhead.

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Content Architect

Deepika is a curious explorer in the ever-evolving world of digital content. As a Content Architecture Research Associate at Infisign, she bridges the gap between research and strategy, crafting user-centric journeys through the power of information architecture.

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